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Who is to say which God's are real and whose to say which God's are false..?? If your ignorant enough to think that the American God can and is the only God then you are sadly mistaken my friend because in these cultures, which are very few, that I have shared, they believe wholeheartedly that these God's are there divine connection to the universe or to a higher power outside of thereselves and this is what they believe in.. other religions such as Christianity say that all other God's and religions are false and to denounce all of them and if you don't it's a sin and your going to hell.. so wait.. you mean to tell me that if someone worships or believes in something other than the main religion Narrative of God and Jesus Christ, but they have never committed a crime, a Christian sin, or hurt anybody at all, they are going to go to hell? So you mean to tell me that all these other gods are false and there is only one true God and that is through Jesus Christ and that's the only way they can not burn in a lake of fire? I don't know man, it just sounds really sketchy to me and it sounds really controlling and manipulative and logically ridiculous as well as spirtually ridiculous.. but that's just my intuition and my common sense as well as my intellectual capacity to understand things. It's brainwash, it's hogwash and it has been destroying and killing Humanity for thousands of years and it has kept us in a standstill single point of movement.spirtually, mentally and psychologically. As Ray gas said in the pyramid code..today most humans are 10% spirtual and 90% physical.. if religion is good then why havent wr really grown spirtually as a civilization. We should he moving mountans with our minds right now and we cant barealy move a 100 lb rock with our physical hands.. its hogwash man.. we gotta move away from it all.. Love is the only religion that we need.. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎