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Words along with speech and thoughts wow simultaneously adding actions all in alignment with one another when using manifestation is ideal for best results. Whenever you are meditating and trying to bring or manifest something into your life you must believe wholeheartedly 100% that this is true and that what you are manifesting is already a reality in your life, for example I would like to be the manager at the store or business I currently work in there for when trying to manifest you would in words and speech state that you already have this position and you have already achieved that goal and then and thought you would also already think and believe 100% that you are the manager of that position and then moving about in your daily life like you are in that position and you hold that title. Within the law of vibration which is the second law of the 12 universal laws everything in the universe is constantly moving and has its own personal vibration and or frequency thought connecting your own conscience beliefs and awareness therefore your actions would reflect on your vibration and frequency. The way you feel and your belief system and things that you are thinking of have their own personal vibration and frequency. The law of the law of attraction which is also in the 12 universal laws of hermetic philosophy states that a particular person will attract whatever they are concentrated on or focused on. That means unwanted things as well as wanted things for example you have gobs and gobs of medical bills and that is all you can concentrate on in your day to day life you are going to attract Globs and Globs more of medical bills if that's what you are concentrated on and spending energy on thus aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions. And it's vice versa with something you do want in your life like I previously stated about the position you want within the business you work for, the more you think believe and align yourself with this idea and intention the experience you are going to end up with in the long run is going to be that particular position within the business you are shooting to get. Positive thoughts and positive vibrations coming from your thoughts, actions and intentions will bring you positive results. In order to manifest thoroughly and on point one muscle line all three aspects of the manifestation process of that being speech, thoughts, and actions. I actually did a manifestation meditation three or four months ago and it really wasn't on one particular object or idea it was more or less just to have positive things come to reality in my life and I did about a 45 minute manifestation meditation one morning three or four hours later I was volunteering for an organization and while I was loading food in the back of people's cars I found a $100 bill on the ground. I couldn't believe it LOL but it was real and it happened. Of course I blessed other people with the blessing I received but I posted the picture of $100 bill I found that morning thus proving that the Law of Attraction and manifesting things into reality is 100% real and it can happen to you and you can be anybody and do anything in your life that you want to do. All you have to do is focus on what you want or who you want to be and honestly really believe it truly in your heart soul and spirit and I can assure you it will manifest before your eyes. It's the same thing with Christians or other religions whenever they manifest something they do it through their prayers and it's basically the same thing as meditating and focusing on one single intention or belief or thought and it manifests before your eyes. Within these three different manifestation codes within alignment to one another there is three different dimensions and whenever you combine all three dimensions thought, speech, and action you will manifest things right before your eyes. Rest assured, this is real and it really works. MANIFEST YOUR LIVES MY LOVELY PEOPLE!! I believe that you believe this will work and I believe you will manifest with these tactics and I believe it will work and you will,in result,receive evey and all manifestation thoughts,actions,and words.There you have it, I just manifested for you,i believe it,now you believe it!! And maifest your BEST life!! Happy Tuesday,I love you all!!! πŸ«΅πŸ½πŸ«ΆπŸ½πŸ’―βœŠπŸΎβœŠπŸΏβœŠπŸΌβœŠπŸ½βœŠπŸ»πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€―
-Caleb J Reeves-