Yeah I seen all four episodes and it is very intriguing and educational. With most attracted to was that we live in a homogeneous universe. Everything is connected and everything is one. In this meaning of connecting to a blade of grass out in the yard and also connected to the mouse that runs around in your house we are connected to our planet and our sun. We came from our sun. We are star children. And I would say everything that Bashar explains to be the real reality of so-called life everything created in the universe was purposely created by the universe in order to experience and infinity amount of realities and experiences. The universe has a mind in its own soul and a heart that beats. We are its children. The universe wants to experience every possible reality and as it says in this video we are living in unlimited and uncountable amounts of parallel realities each moment that passes. The way that we see the world is in a three-dimensional hologram because our souls have been embedded into a human shell. We are in reality Spiritual Beings that chose to experience the human life and physical form. As he explains in the lectures. This is a really good series and you would be a fool not to take part in it and watch it. Plus this platform has a 7-Day free trial. If you don't like what you see and it's not your buck for your bang don't continue with the process but I could bet money on it that once you indulge in this self-awareness and really real reality group of people in platform you would pay $100 a month to keep a line connected to this source of energy and love. All love to Jason and tls. You guys are my heroes and have given me purpose in life and shown me my path. Keep on keeping on. I will be here every step of the way. Because I have a feeling that the world is about to be in a very painful, hurt, confused and lost state of being. Through all this confusion and pain we need to stick together and move as one. We are a homogeneous humanity and we have to keep that in mind. Remove is one and we move as a unit. All love and respect to everybody fighting this invisible Battle of authentic self-awareness and true consciousness. We shall prevail. Manifest that!!! Evildoers!!!πŸ’©