Natalia Antonova

Sep 07 at 01:50 PM

I really enjoyed it  and even did yoga in breaks of watching. I even managed to do the tree asan with closed eyes, I struggled  in it before, just dreaming to stand in closed eyes,  but during watching the episode I did and even now I'm eager to go on  with yoga.  Thank you for the journey 🙏✨💖

Commented on The Highest Pass

Aug 26 at 03:47 PM

I can say just WOW and I'm very happy that I'm here and able to watch it. I watched it LITERALY with my body. I felt my right palm, I felt how smth was happening in my head. I felt how old believes were stepping away... So, I can say:" THANK YOU FOR THE RIDE" 🙏✨💖


Commented on TLS Update

Aug 13 at 03:40 PM

I felt smth is wrong with Einstein 🥳. Ray made me believe more to my intuition 🙏✨💖. THANK YOU TLS 🙏✨💖.  THANK YOU RAY 🙏✨💖. THANK YOU JASON🙏✨💖. AND EVERYONE FOR MAKING IT REAL 🙏✨💖

Aug 12 at 02:34 AM

Thank you for meditation 🙏✨💖. I felt extreme heat in my body during the meditation and my body was shaking 🫨. I even had to put strength to go to the end🙏✨💖. But at the end I felt relief 😅 and what I feel now🙏✨💖.




Aug 11 at 03:59 PM

I had car accident. I was standing and I saw how car was slowly driving on me... I had just thought in my head:" Why is car driving so slowly on me?!". Then I felt flight and got to my conciseness when the driver called me... I got myself sitting on the pavement in some meters further from the car. I had no scratches, no bruises and even I didn't lay... I was literally sitting on the ground. The driver named me an acrobat. But the magic was that I did nothing. I've just found myself sitting on the ground. I guess my brain switched me to Gamma and my normal Beta had no clue what I did and what was happening.... What's more I liked what I felt even having no clue what was in those seconds. Part of me wanted to jump on every car that day to experience it again, to experience Gamma again, but my Beta self decided it's not time to leave this plan... THANKS COS NOW I HAVE A CLUE THAT MY HS CAN SWITCH DIMENSIONS. 

Jul 19 at 09:18 AM

Thank you 🙏✨💖. I felt revived myself after watching 🙏✨💖. And video inspired me for a beautiful action 🙏✨💖

Big thank you 🙏✨. Now I knew what for Eistein got his Nobel prize and got the better picture of the world, dreaming to live in the world where wil be technology with eternal energy as it is in nature and as it was perfectly explained in the video 🙏✨💖

Commented on The Revolution | India

Jun 17 at 12:57 PM

The energy of this video is so high and beyond my conscience that I experienced what I experienced during my first deep meditations. I simply felt a sleep. Actually I still experience it and again in meditations but when my body or mind are tied. I got it. I wasn't tied during watching and what I noticed I fell a sleep during the speech of Dr. Sandra Rose Michaels. So, thank for experience  🙏✨💖.   

Replied on UNIverse

Jun 11 at 12:37 AM

Watching it makes me stop breathing 🫶. Thank u for sharing 🙏✨💖
