Natalia Antonova

THANK YOU JASON 🙏✨💖. Yeah, RAY MADE A LOT, and guess still DOES 🙏✨💖. He had magic frequency (magic, cos I don’t know what it’s😅). But videos with him SUPER HIGH 🙏✨💖THANK YOU TLS, THANK YOU “RAY”, THANK YOU JASON 🙏✨💖.


Mar 19 at 01:55 PM

Happy Equinox 🎉


Mar 19 at 06:33 AM

I came out from meditation, it was about womb. Guide asked to imagine garden, but I finished with seeing tomb 😅. I saw pyramids and actually womb is a pyramid itself too. Q:Can “Ray” open it? It’s again back to the strength of women😅. 🙏✨💖


THANK YOU SO MUCH 🙏✨💖. It was incredible journey 🙏✨💖. As short as material life, as profound as spirit 🙏✨💖


Thank you so much 🙏✨💖. I started with an intentension to clean my energy, I felt toxic. And during breathing it was EXTREMELY INTENSE, at the beginning I felt so BAD, I felt like I couldn’t hold it… I cried … then, I guess I “lost my consciousness”, in the middle I felt relive 🙏✨💖. I got what I wanted 🤣. THANK YOU SO MUCH 🙏✨💖


Commented on Protect Your Energy

Mar 06 at 06:51 AM

Thank you so much 🙏✨💖.


Thank you so much 🙏✨💖. Aham prema 🙏✨💖


Feb 27 at 03:16 PM

Bernadette Connell exactly 🙏✨💖


Feb 22 at 01:41 PM



No wonder that “sons of the Sun” lost their strength 😅

That’s spiritual math 🙏✨💖


Thank you so much 🙏✨💖. It was an amazing journey. I wanted to do it to charge myself, I felt sleepy and though maybe I’ll fall asleep, I started lieing, but during breath I felt like to sit, I was amazed: “Where was my tidenss?!”. It’s completely gone almost at the beginning. It was so cool, that when Christopher said breath out to the Earth I literally understood I was breathing out to the Earth, it was underneath me. WOW 🤯. And I felt how my tummy hurt, I wanted to stop but I said to myself. “Hey, one hour breath you can handle it, it will end”. I went on and and my body started shaking 🫨… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 🙏✨💖. Breath work is my favorite work out 100 💯 %. I feel like I just came back from the gym 😅. THANK YOU 🙏✨💖
