
Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 12:21 AM

Thank you, Dr. Ardis❤️TLS❤️and Jason❤️

Sep 29 at 04:26 PM

Im crying and angry with all the frkn lies!!! Thank you, Dr. Ardis❤️ Thank you, TLS❤️ and Thank you, Jason❤️

Oh my heart goes out to Danielle! I was diagnosed with MS years ago so I recognized some of her symptoms. I hope she knows about the Energy Enhancement System because it helped me tremendously when I had a setback in April. I know everyone is different, but I hope she gives EES a chance. ❤️🙏❤️


About two years ago, my baby brother was forced or pressured by the military (Air Force) to take the jab 🤬. Thankfully, as far as I know, he’s healthy, but I’m still very concerned. ❤️🙏❤️

Aug 11 at 12:10 PM

This is so exciting! 😁


May 29 at 01:04 PM

I am so grateful for this technology! I have nothing against doctors or hospitals, but I want to use them minimally or only for emergencies.

Last month, on April 30th, MS flared up out of the blue when I was cutting roses in my yard. I had difficulty walking, my balance was off and I was very, very lethargic. Thankfully, my husband was home and I was able to book an appt with Kim’s 24 unit Energy Healing Room in Roseville, Ca. I was in the ees May 1st & 2nd totaling 4hrs. I couldn’t go back til my husband’s next day off… but by 5/5 I could walk a bit with no assistance but no energy whatsoever. On May 8th, was the day I felt somewhat normal, my day to day normal 😊. Im back to my routine with my husband, my two fur boys and my roses!

Thank you, thank you Dr. Sandra Rose Michael for the EES and much love to you, Jason for being you!