Gary Miles

Nelson, United Kingdom

Hello my name is Gary and I am 57 , I believe that someday we will be free from all the corruption here on earth .

Mar 25 at 09:19 PM

Good man, gone up in my estimations.


Mar 25 at 09:07 PM

I tried to get the 20 % off I've just spent over £100 on T shirts it just took me to signing up again but I'm already a member !.


Mar 25 at 09:04 PM

UNIFYD TV wish I'd of known I've just spent over £100.00 on t shirts I tried but it just directed me to signing up but I've been a member 2 yrs now .

I use Spooky 2 generators and other items


Truly such a inspirational human being for the good of earth and the people that live on it .


Feb 16 at 01:07 PM

Thousands of years ago we communicated with animals but it was taken away from us when we hunted them for meat and it was hard to kill them because they did not like what they were saying to them .


Replied on True Service

Jan 27 at 03:49 PM

Barry Jenkins yes love is the new age 🤩.

Dec 04 at 02:09 PM

Veterans should get more knocked off or have a purposely place built like the one in India .


Dec 04 at 01:59 PM

Got to be honest there are other ways to treat cancer this is deffo one but if you look into different methods that might help aswell x

Nov 27 at 08:46 PM

It's like Jason says don't believe everything he says investagate it yourself and find your own conclusions it's all apart of the learning process and that what the interviewer is doing .