
Bozeman, MT, United States

Sep 18 at 10:56 PM

UNIFYD WorldThankyou I just ordered it! The LINK WORKS!


Sep 14 at 07:10 PM

and alignment but thats 5

Sep 14 at 07:09 PM

tiday i saw those 4: breakthrough miracles health power

Sep 13 at 09:34 PM


Sep 13 at 04:36 PM

Creation Love Change Family


Sep 11 at 05:50 PM

Its fabulous! Thankyou! Love Ray!


Sep 11 at 05:50 PM

Does not work at all.


Commented on Divine Intervention

Sep 11 at 01:24 AM

fabulous! all is explained in a great great way.


Commented on Ray’s back???

Sep 10 at 11:31 PM

Cant wait to see PART 2

Sep 10 at 11:25 PM

All what DI says is great and super well explained. However, please add subtitles  to be able to read as well (closed captions). The background music is absolutely disturbing: please use good frequency music. Or any peaceful music with proper frequencies. And number the Episodes 1 to 7 .  I forgot to put the autoplay and could not figure out which one was next as some info is repeated and David does not say this is episode 3 or 4 etc.  Always number episodes in order. Please.