kalyn kilgore

Nov 27 at 09:00 AM



Nov 26 at 06:59 PM

I have blocked so much...

Nov 26 at 05:53 PM

I have many questions myself

Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Nov 25 at 02:10 PM

Think I'm crazy all you want

I know...KNoW.

It's truth

Nov 24 at 07:32 PM

As a matter of fact I've experienced many things of which you have spoken...

I thought I was crazy

When I knew I wasn't...crazy

Just confused

Nov 24 at 07:30 PM

I've seen what you talk about

The sharing so to speak of a body

Nov 06 at 02:03 PM

I understand what R a y s a ys

I too have questions

But the answers will only bring more questions

Doing my best to rely only on infinite Spirit...not an easy task

Nov 06 at 02:01 PM


Nov 05 at 08:24 PM

I know things I shouldn't know

Nov 05 at 08:23 PM

I know people who remember me from past lives