Josiane Vicini

La Creuse, France

Aug 22 at 04:37 PM

If I had a chance to have coffee with Ray I would sit and just enjoy being in his company without the need to ask any question. It would be like a direct transmission taking place


Aug 22 at 02:23 PM

1 🔥

2 🌲

3 🌳

4 🎆

5 🌊

6 ⛈️


Aug 19 at 03:53 PM



Aug 05 at 04:31 PM

Considering everything is preordained as we all are here through our own free will choice, knowing not knowing will not change the reasons we are here for. Maybe Ray can help by giving us the codes to open up our consciousness so we as individuals can tap into to live with Grace in the Now Time. Thank you

Not suitable for Europe time

Apr 29 at 04:25 AM

My thoughts, interesting theory ! What is real ? False ? An illusion ? Does it make a difference ? Studied astrology but do not take things for granted. I notice we are still in the shame/blame, to make us feel responsible for all that is not working.

What if we as a species are here to realise that we are more than what is portrayed and as such we have a part to play to unravel what feels right as opposed to what we are being told or educated to believe.

It does not really matter to me if the earth is flat or the moon exists, what does is how am I letting this all affect me to the point I forget who I am and what I’m here to do.

Apr 22 at 08:32 AM

Thank you 🙏

The workshop was magica. Helped me connect the dots and go even more deeper in my knowingness of self and my journey. Every element, everything played its role in this wonderful alchemy to transforming self through a greater awareness ❤️


Mar 10 at 10:05 AM

Thank you 🙏


Thank you ❤️
