Josiane Vicini

La Creuse, France

Mar 08 at 03:11 AM

Haven’t yet received the virtual PDF workbook and Jason’s new book 😟

Feb 27 at 09:44 AM

Sabrina, the words that pop up are “embrace, stop the fight”, that’s not who you are. You are much more. Love and hugs to you ❤️


Feb 27 at 07:03 AM

This article got me thinking. Isn’t this path of mindefullness one of learning to Be (as in Being) as this is how I perceive things. Not having to choose between one or the other. By Being, I fully embrace all aspects of self as I live connected to all. What if my purpose was/is to live Being then I get to manifest my experience from a higher perspective and in so doing I live through all aspects of self.

(Thank you for the opportunity to express my thoughts)

Feb 22 at 03:02 PM

We all have become so dependent on cells phone that an outage makes us feel disconnected with our thoughts focused on when will this be back online.

What if, this is an opportunity or invitation to tap into our psychic abilities and to learn to communicate through telepathy making us autonomous and not dependent on a system

Feb 15 at 05:41 AM

A UNIFYD member from France (Creuse). Glad to be here


Feb 15 at 05:40 AM

I love to play on words but also because that’s how they speak to me. For me, the way this word “supernatural” speaks or should I say I hear is “Wow”, it’s super natural, you are connected to the One. How does it get any better than that 🥰

Commented on Dark Night of the Soul

Feb 14 at 09:27 AM

Wonderful how you explain this, having gone through myself multiple black night of the soul and not knowing what it was at that time. Putting words to an experience helps and brings in a greater awareness to this journey of awakening 😍


Feb 02 at 01:04 PM

Tips to live an empowered life during the great shift and stay sovereign emotionally for empaths.

Open to all topics besides the above. Thank you

Jan 12 at 01:07 PM

Done ! Can't wait
