Lara Arthur

Inglis, FL, United States

Sep 16 at 07:25 PM

The city of birth is needed for chart cause it gives the location of the planets when and where you were born


Sep 16 at 07:23 PM

City of birth in US is required to find your moon sign


Sep 16 at 07:19 PM

Leo/Virgo Moon


Sep 12 at 02:44 PM

I can't I just can't🤣😂😁


Sep 10 at 12:22 PM

Yeshua spoke to me in the shower. I heard the command to gather your family and tell them/ show them what is coming. I asked .."What is your name"? "Yeshua". Right before that happened I had begun learning/ remembering about astrology and how it works and is connected to spirituality. I gathered my family and told them what was too come. Sadly no one really believed me


Sep 06 at 09:09 PM

More about spiritual realms,dimensions, Pleiadians and Beyond the Surface of America, light hearted Truth and Disclosure on why we are here and how to remember more


Sep 06 at 09:02 PM

Yes, the vibe in his voice when he says it changes in a dark way. Very Erie😳🧐🤨

Sep 06 at 02:50 PM



Sep 05 at 10:32 PM

Turn on the mainstream news and you will see the anti-christ. Look on social media you will see the anti-christ. Look in the education programs you will see the anti- christ. Look at Planned Pare -rent hood you will see the anti- christ.

WE MUST SHINE OUR CHRIST LIGHT 💫AND DEFEAT THE anti-christ individually in our own reality👁️Much love and Light to you my si-star

Sep 05 at 10:23 PM

Why do twins, triplets etc. exist in this realm and what is the souls purpose for the twin incarnation?
