Jamie Rackow

Oct 24 at 11:41 PM

Let's start with how you figure that out? 😆😆


Oct 07 at 11:16 AM

Interesting thought. I can see that happening.


Oct 07 at 11:14 AM

I resonate with this! My kids and I have supposed ADHD/ADD and I didn't learn until a few years ago that this system is all false.

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Sep 30 at 05:40 AM

South Dakota!

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Sep 30 at 05:36 AM

I'm in South Dakota, only about 3 hours from you. Closest I've seen so far.

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Sep 20 at 11:11 PM

Anytime you have a subscription you pay for the service itself.... like Netflix, Hulu, Disney, etc. Just because you watch a movie on those platforms doesn't mean you get to keep watching that movie. You pay for access to the content, not the content itself. It's my impression that there are still things on unifyd.tv that are free to watch.

I would seriously suggest contacting Unifyd support to see if they can assist with the issue you're having. Speak to them, I'm sure they'd be glad to help.

Commented on ✨️

Sep 20 at 01:47 PM

YES! The drive thru things happens to me ALL the time. No one is there when I get there and then I bring the business! It's so funny! Even my husband comments on it now.


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Sep 20 at 01:42 PM

I feel like his explanation for the land of darkness more alignes wwith what I feel pergatory would be like but that's what growing up Catholic teaches you. I'd appreciate more conversation and details about it. I did understand it and the why though.

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Sep 02 at 09:27 AM


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Sep 02 at 07:54 AM

I heard a DJ on sirius radio talking about how in Nashville, all the Scooters or bikes drive themselves to the charging port at night and how weird he felt seeing a bunch of them driving themselves all over when he was out one night. No thanks!