Mary Jo Weaver

Gainesville, FL, United States

Sep 05 at 06:56 PM

I remember this old video….what an evil man 🤯

Sep 05 at 06:52 PM

Playfulness, Nurturing, and for some reason Map 😂(Perhaps “Map” means where are you going or headed? OR follow the “Map” I set for myself? All wonderful possibilities 💗)


Sep 05 at 06:45 PM

To me, Unifyd is a community of truth tellers and seekers who’s goal is to unite humanity in love and consciousness. I’m grateful to be a member of this movement.

Sep 05 at 06:37 PM

Mostly, I love your interviews with Ray and disclosure type content. However, currently I’ve been in need of a little more light hearted content like Portal to the Pleiadians and messages from Bashar to help lift my spirits.


Sep 01 at 04:16 AM

I have one of each electric and gas powered vehicles. One a Tesla and one a Toyota. To some degree, they are both bad for the environment AND they both have what they call “Kill Switches” in them and I too believe that’s a control mechanism that I’m not happy about either. My husband ultimately made both choices on these vehicles, but he prefers the Tesla while I prefer the Toyota due to the way they drive and handle. The Tesla is like driving a fancy golf cart with a large computer screen that I don’t care for, but doesn’t bother him even though it took him a while to get used to driving. I prefer driving the old fashioned way…gas powered so my old brain can operate it automatically without too much extra thought or effort. It most likely won’t be in my lifetime where we get vehicles run by free non-polluting technology even though I’m sure it’s already out there. I like being able to charge a vehicle at home and lessen our trips to the gas stations where we usually sit and wait in long lines. However, when the grids go down temporarily it’s nice knowing we have a tank full of gasoline too. For these reasons, I like having both but I personally prefer the gasoline powered vehicles to electric.

BTW, I do believe the movie “Leave the World Behind” was a message to us by F’ing sick MFers…just saying.


Aug 31 at 08:06 PM

Has anyone noticed that Biden has been kicked out of the White House (or as some have suggested has passed🤷🏻‍♀️) and no one has declared Kamala Harris our current President as allowed for by the 25th Amendment?

“The ratification of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment1 in 1967 superseded Article I, Section 1, Clause 6. Article I, Section 1, Clause 6 provides for the Powers and Dutiesof the President to devolve upon the Vice President if the President is no longer able to discharge them due to his removal from office, death, resignation, or inability.2Although it was unclear in the republic’s early years whether the Vice President became President or merely acted as President until a new presidential election was held, ratification of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment established incontrovertibly that the Vice President becomes President upon the President’s removal from office, death, resignation, or inability to perform the powers and duties of the office.3 In addition, Article I, Section 1, Clause 6 authorizes Congress to establish the line of succession to the presidency if both the President and Vice President are unable to discharge the Powers and Duties of the Presidency.”

Is someone trying to suggest the USA doesn’t actually need a President? That the UNELECTED military industrial complex, oligarchs, and elites are truly in power and running the government? Something to think about 🧐 Personally, I think we won’t have an election. My guess is there will be another false flag situation created to keep people from voting…another lock down situation perhaps? I hope I’m wrong.

Aug 31 at 07:49 PM

Sunny Florida 🌞😎🌊🌴


Aug 31 at 07:44 PM



Aug 31 at 07:39 PM

If I could only choose one it would definitely be Island Paradise 🏝️I’ve been to Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico and let me tell you they are all so beautiful and paradise to me 🌴🌞🌊💙💛💚


Aug 31 at 07:24 PM

Shelli A. S. I am only good with natal astrology. However, in numerology, 11 is also considered a master number, relating to psychic intuition, spiritual wisdom, and communication. You will find all kinds of information online if you search Master Number 11.

OR it could be Angel Number 11, repeatedly is no coincidence. This number is a powerful symbol that is trying to get your attention. It's a message from the angels and the universe that you are on the right path. It's also a sign that you should pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, as they have the power to manifest your desires.

And yes, numbers do apply to the whole universe, but at this point and time it obviously applies to you or your husband. 💫💞
