Peter Sklivas

Beverly, MA, United States

Commented on Episode 7

Aug 24 at 09:12 PM

Wow! As a seasoned yogi & Himalayan trekker, I love Ananda , Adam & so many of riders and passengers. Mostly I gotta admit, I love those mountains. Nice job editing the material to create thematic narratives w/n each episode. I find myself delighted by the personal dramas arising followed by moments of transcendence or physical challenge. 

Commented on Episode 1

Aug 22 at 09:33 AM

Rishikesh is my fav sacred spot b/c of Ganga.  Interesting pitch 4 tv series. 

Aug 20 at 06:01 PM

I got a novel idea. When U post the teaser, how provide a date for Episode 1. I know it's crazy. But what can I say ... I"m a crazy Sovereign Yogi. 

Justin Paul Abraham - Company of Burning Hearts.   Devotion trumps religion.  Robert Edward Grant (Spiritual Scientific Renaissance Man for our time).