
Downers Grove, IL, United States

Nov 19 at 02:21 PM

I don't like her energy so it's difficult and you feel the way you do because you probably resonate with her and that's okay


Nov 19 at 02:02 PM

She's not aware that the shape shifting is something only humans can do according to ray but holographic shifting is complex and ETs do that according to him. Selena please do more research before interviewing and she has no idea we can travel beyond light speed? She mentions Dr Steven Greer so how could she not know this? Also, underground tunnels? It's in Disclosures. Why is an investigative journalist more clueless than us?

Nov 19 at 12:56 PM

Okay I don't like her energy, very shallow, not informed enough about The Disclosure interviews, thinks what Ray said was off the wall crazy while believing in ETs. Any idiot knows there is life in other worlds that are far far far more advanced, common sense really ,so if things sound off the walls then she's not very spiritual minded or unlimited in her understanding  and more physical living through her 5 senses only. It's also that she has incomplete information, how is she investigative if she didn't do her homework and watch everything? I don't know... Jason you have so much depth and this lady just reeks of shallowness and I find her annoying.... maybe it's my issue

Replied on The Marfa Lights

Oct 26 at 11:46 PM

Peter Sklivas  That's your opinion, no one will like everything here

Sep 02 at 07:43 AM

J. Christian Muelleragreed except hinduism and buddism isn't organized religion, they are just philosophies and there's no concept of hell in those philosophies, only reincarnation and there's no rules about God (as it is said by Buddha, you must find your own salvation), it sees everything as God, there's just God in all aspects walking towards their own awakening and they use meditation and breath work to heal and connect with their divine aspects, and the misunderstood concept of Karma which is the non-judgmental  force of cause and effect, it's basically Law of attraction (what you put out, you get back). These philosophies are too unorganized to be infiltrated and they  not fear based like Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Basically those philosophies parallel what these people are teaching, and energy center healing that Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches comes from these philosophies. They are based in ancient science and spirituality, not religious Dogma and Christ wasn't dogmatic either, he was a Mystic.


Commented on AWAKENING

Jul 03 at 07:55 PM

Mikki is such a great human being. Wonderful to see 2 great men sitting together.

Commented on The Great Awakening

Jun 23 at 11:48 AM

We need to have this promoted as much as possible. I'm trying to share with as many as I can. Amazing documentary


Jun 02 at 10:17 PM

Catherine McAllister There are no set timelines, they are altered at every moment we make a different choice.

Gregg Braden's knowledge would be amazing if he can contribute.


Commented on The Revolution | India

May 27 at 06:58 PM

This was so beautiful thank you Dr. Sandra, Jason & TLS for bringing this to the world. And thank you to everyone that has opened a center. This is such divine work everyone is doing. This is the start of bringing Heaven to Earth as it was meant to be.
