Roslyn Halperin

Phoenix, AZ, United States

Dec 01 at 09:21 PM

only rays of knowledge is published so far as far as i know. 

if  you look it up on you tube there is a link below the you tube intro.. that was how i found it .. you can only hear all of it.. either here on unifyd or on rumble. might try rumble.. if you cant find it here..

Oct 12 at 06:42 AM

I know Jason is friends with Aaron Abke.. he would be a good meditation teacher as well.  .he has several you tube videos..  

Oct 12 at 05:47 AM

Cal Washington of inpower also says Adam and Eve were not the first people.. Ron Hubbard said this is a prison planet.. long ago.. I think he maybe at 10th level.. but i have no idea.. he passed away in the 80s sometime. 

Sep 09 at 07:53 PM

Dr Rashid Buttar   Ray said Dr Rashid but his whole name is Dr Rashid Buttar.. he was poisoned 

Sep 09 at 05:22 PM

i read some of it online. free.. or  i think long ago i listened to audio on you tube free 


Sep 09 at 05:21 PM

i would think they want to be public because they are now able to  take over some power.. they could not before.

Sep 05 at 05:38 AM

i have the same problem with my family.. common ground we are all one..from different view points.. i have a hard time with it also..  

Aug 25 at 11:48 PM

This is interesting.. i like to listen to this guy also Dr Zach Bush and also Aaron Abke..and JAson of course  thanks