Roslyn Halperin

Phoenix, AZ, United States

Commented on The Portal is Open

Aug 21 at 01:08 AM

Wonder if you know Christine DAy she is also australian.  

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Aug 15 at 01:28 AM

Wondering what DEW stands for ? I had heard it could be to make the land cheap for elite or some corporations to buy 


Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Aug 15 at 01:27 AM

Was the TLS video on email just the last one.. i thought there might be more on that guess not?

The Nazis came to power only after they accused communists of burning the  parliament building that now people are writing was done by Nazis to blame the communists.. Anyway they blamed a mentally ill guy  they said was communist.. I do think it was to stop Trump.. and people were urged to go inside.. 

dont know what oath breaker means.. i also feel so badly for the guy dressed in that furry hat  .. this is so wrong in a free country?   Im so glad this  video was made. how can that be a crime.. ???? 

Replied on TRANCE

May 28 at 01:32 PM

i watched it in stages.. not all at once. has a happy ending you may want to fast forward to the end .. I think because she was able to forgive she was able to heal. ..Spirit is invulnerable.. what happens to our body doesnt matter.. at a spirit level..  


Commented on TRANCE

May 28 at 01:30 PM

IF you buy books from her website she autographs them.. i had a hard time getting on the website of unifyd  today dont know why.. it took several tries and had to change my password.. i hope this doesnt happen again.. first got that snap thing.. so i kept trying finally got it.. 
