Sherif Osman

Honolulu, HI, United States

Sep 26 at 12:54 AM

charles lumkile komanisi Thanks for sharing what you went through. Yes, people and life can be cruel. Best not to dwell on the past, it is over and done with. Each new day and moment gives you a chance to take what you learned from the past and start over and create and experience what you want.

Sep 25 at 10:20 AM

Ismael says there are two timelines and that Elon will do good for awhile on the positive timeline (that we will be on). I'm sure that by the time Elon starts becoming a threat that the white hat military and global alliance will know that he cannot be trusted. Still have plenty of time I think. In the meanwhile they need his help with the Starlink satellite system, Space Force and other technologies I think.


Sep 24 at 10:29 AM

Yes, it appears that Kamala Harris was a former prostitute... the question is, was she a female prostitute, or a male prostitute? And just how compromised is she for blackmail now?

Sep 24 at 10:13 AM


Yes. They already tried to Epstein him... bit they failed.


Sep 24 at 10:10 AM

charles lumkile komanisi Wise words Charles. Yes, you know what's going on.

Sep 24 at 03:26 AM

charles lumkile komanisi Thanks again for your kind words from the heart Charles. Yes my brother, these are some difficult times for many. People are being pushed to their limits and are being tested every day. Some people have been to their breaking point and beyond. We do need to be there for each other, in spite of those who ridicule, hate, argue and spread divisive narcissism. These are days that mold us into either who we are meant to be, or that get us to give up and quit. Quitting is not an option for me. I don't think it is for you either.


Sep 24 at 03:19 AM

Former prostitute Kamala Harris appears to have ties to P. Diddy... and he is desperate after being arrested and is expected to drop some big names.



Sep 24 at 03:13 AM

Former prostitute Kamala Harris seems to be compromised and too easily blackmailed to be qualified for president of the United States

Sep 24 at 03:09 AM

Thanks for your kind words Charles. I do appreciate it.

Sep 24 at 12:41 AM

John Spence Okay Mr. Smartest smarty pants in the world, smarter than all other smarty pants combined. Sorry for my existence, that it's bothersome to you.