Lisa Gray

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 07:26 PM

I’ve also wondered about our pets,I have cats 😁

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 01:14 PM

Who are they..the government,the elites,to say we are over populated??? The universe,source,God, controls all that. Doesn’t nature control what happens in that environment. No human/s should have control over others. I know it’s been going on for a very long time. I just keeping thinking,all this upheaval is going to lead to a better place for us!


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 01:09 PM

Yep they are trying everything they can to put fear in us and incapacitate us. Keeping us sick and dependent on them. Trying to take away free speech. There are days when I don’t know what or who to believe. But there’s where we have to really listen to our intuition.


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 12:58 PM

I agree. I think the governments are only puppets. I listen to Lee Carrol who channels Kryon,Abraham Hicks,Sterling Psychic medium and Bashsar…they all say the light has won but all this evil junk has to play itself out. That this increasing violence,evil happenings is the dark side pulling out everything they have as a last ditch effort. We have to hold on tight..keep sending love and light all over the planet.🥰


Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 12:19 PM

Yes,I do think Jason needs to do an extensive Q&A on this one with Dr. Ardis present….lots of questions. I did seem as though Jason was surprised by some of the information being given.

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 11:05 AM

Yes I do believe violence is needed when dealing with evil psychopaths. We’ve got to do something to get them off this planet!

Sep 30 at 12:08 AM


Sep 30 at 12:06 AM

We are in one big play,we chose to go thru all this.

Sep 30 at 12:03 AM

I totally understand! We now have so much information overload but it’s time to act. How do we get these evil people out of the way so we can move forward,creating what the world should be. Get rid of greed and control and people and the planet will prosper.


Commented on post was deleted

Sep 28 at 10:41 PM

I received something similar from someone pretending to be Jason. Asked if I were enjoying “his” channel. The gave me a link to install the Signal app where he would share more enlightenment and profitable insights. I reported this to the UNIFYD team.