Lisa Gray

Sep 02 at 05:39 PM


Feb 10 at 08:49 PM

It’s also about uncovering all the evil and darkness in the world,on many levels. From the evils of the pharmaceutical industry to government to the most deplorable of all, hurting children. Knowledge is enlightenment! More light uncovers so much and it raises our frequency!!


Dec 30 at 07:16 PM

As souls on the other side of the veil,we plan each incarnation. We choose our life theme,our parents,siblings and everything we experience in a life. The good and the bad. All to elevate the soul. We have to experience everything for the souls growth and expansion . That’s what I know to be my truth. All of this for just one life? No way! Once we get here,we don’t remember what we chose. If we did, then how interesting would that be. And here we have free will. If you can stay connected to your inner knowing and intuition all thu-out life that’s the key. And I say connected because we all are born with that knowing and guidance. Life trains us out of it,unfortunately. Read Many Masters Many Lives by Dr. Brian Weiss,you will forever be changed. Also read Seat of the Soul and Universal Human by Gary Zukav.


Dec 11 at 07:47 PM

Why can’t I rewatch this????

Commented on TLS UPDATE !!!!

Nov 03 at 08:24 PM

I’m also looking for the replay of the Live Q&A. I had started listening to the live but the video kept freezing up. Where can I watch the replay?

Oct 10 at 11:19 PM

Could be there is no set timeline…we,the collective choose it.


Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 02 at 02:13 PM

I recently watched a Danica Patrick podcast where her guest was Kashif Kahn,he is the founder of the DNA Company. He said that municipal water facilities don’t filter out everything. They don’t filter out hormones at all. So if you drink tap water your getting remnants of hormones from women who takes birth control pills and synthetic and bio-identical hormones. He says that’s why some men are becoming more feminine White more female hormones in them. So apparently the covid isn’t getting filtered out (not to mention it being added). He also said the wild animal population is being given this MRNA. He didn’t say how or what the purpose was. Great podcast to watch/listen.

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 02 at 02:01 PM

Great,thanks for that info!

Oct 01 at 09:21 PM

I totally agree! Some days it’s hard to send love and light with all that’s going on,but we have to. Everything is vibration and frequency, so what we put out amplifies. So really think and feel what your putting out into the ethers!


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 01 at 10:23 AM

I also have a berkey for about 5 years now. I recently ordered 2 new black filters and 2 fluoride/arsenic filters along with a shower head. I still get emails from them. Another comparable one is the Alexapure. Also check out My Patriot Supply for emergency food supply!