Lisa Gray

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 28 at 09:57 PM

Thank you so much! Unbelievable, I was blown away by this information.


I would love to see an interview with Dr. Sandra. Being that she is a kahuna,I’m sure everyone wants to know what she knows about the Maui fires and all the controversy surrounding it. So much mis-information and obvious something’s not right!

Sep 16 at 10:08 PM

I think we,the people have to refuse to be locked down. No man should be controller of the masses, source energy,our intuition is who we answer to


Sep 16 at 09:49 PM

The interview was good. Didn’t really hear anything ground breaking. I’ve already known all this. Have always believed in reincarnation and past lives….we are all just recycling! We need more transparency. Who is Ray? How is all of this going to end up? Let’s just get on with it already! Would also like to hear more from Dr. Sandra,especially about the Maui fires. Also from TLS on the fires!


Sep 16 at 09:44 PM

You shouldn’t put your trust in a pastor to tell everyone what to do or when the time is right, that’s all up to each individual person


Sep 16 at 09:41 PM

While we are getting more interviews with Ray,there’s still not enough transparency. Why doesn’t he show who he is! He used his hands a lot when talking,it looks fake. I’ve been following Jason for years now,but seems like we are getting no closer to truth. Let’s get on with it already! Also wanting to know more about the Maui fires,especially from Dr. Sandra,we haven’t heard from her in quite a while.
