Kathryn Pape

Washington, WV, United States

Dec 16 at 08:34 AM

I saw it and it was most informative. I listen for references of "frequency" Color or Sound as this is my field of study.

Dec 16 at 08:25 AM

Me too- especially that session 5 mentioning letting go of outdated/no longer useful definitions.  This is my field of study-Human Energy Conservation-via Thoughts, Words, Ideas.

Dec 16 at 08:17 AM

Agree!  Ashley. Each is a unique S.o.u.l.- Substance On (a) Universal Level-  Energy.

Are you headed to T.E. Orlando?

Commented on Awaken

May 24 at 11:02 AM

watching USA states developing: West Virginia needs an EE-sytem
