Kathryn Pape

Washington, WV, United States

Feb 08 at 09:00 PM

My answer is above  - 

Feb 08 at 09:00 PM

I am prepared as such. Have been for "convenience" sake not survival. I also use my envsioning energy to see a happy ending, use color to surround my home, place color around myself and loved ones. This energy power is ours. Speak, declare "all around me and all in me is right and well.  I am surrounded by love."  Test your divine energy.  Peace  be in you. 


Feb 08 at 08:23 PM

definitely  the true "you"



Feb 07 at 08:24 PM

Generate inside so much love for yourself that it spills out to "others"-- parts of yourself. (1) to you from you by you "then" (2) project outward.  Works every time.  See you at the Event.  


Feb 07 at 08:16 PM

I just viewed a discussion  pro/con on  having an A.I. girl friend/boy friend.  A comment was made about men/women fearing flirting.  Gee, I flirt with my food, drinks and clothing. Yep, as all is one I make myself more one with my food etc. Flirting I make my own energy enriching and humorous experiences. After all to f.l.i.r.t. is Forming enriching(1) Light (energy-thru speech/humor (2) Individual Roles or Themes. I take seriously "Know thyself and to thyself be true." (soul energy I call Bio-field.)   So at the Event some of you will  witness my quirky routines.

Jan 26 at 06:06 PM

I see these all the time, just sooooo grateful and say it out loud.


Jan 26 at 06:03 PM

Looking forward to attending too, Jeannie. I got hacked on facebook in August and still am not allowed to start a new account. ???  So I am not on the facebook group for the event...I connect here.  Where are you located?


Jan 08 at 12:06 PM

Headed  into 5D greatness- one step closer- new chakras colors/ new sounds =  greater gratitude frequency.  Mentally LOVE ALL.

Jan 04 at 11:30 AM

Where in the state?


Jan 04 at 10:49 AM

As the fear mongers (parts of us) come more apparent, use your visualization and voice to "declare" the end result you want as a co-creator with the creator.  Forgiving inner harsh thoughts and declaring "Thy will be done."  This creates the opportunity for turning the hearts/minds of the negative toward remembering the ONENESS.  This practice creates Inner peace, not fear, in me, you, us. It ripples outward.