Heather Hurley

Commented on My precious!!

Oct 04 at 10:40 AM

That is gorgeous. I’ve never seen one like that! 💗



ABOUT ZOMBIE VIRUS that is released when sound frequencies are emmitted by 5 G towers. Heed Jason’s warning for emergency broadcast test on our phones, smart TVs, and any other devices that may go off.

The video above highlights Jason’s video, as well as another video, and they use other means to determine what is true what is false and if this is truly going to be a massive threat to citizens of the United States.


Replied on Ray’s back???

Sep 09 at 06:42 PM

Yes, I saw the entire disclosure series. Thank you.

Replied on Ray’s back???

Sep 09 at 06:38 PM

He was there (as stated in a video Jason posted this morning). And he had done an interview with Nino Rodriguez on Saturday from Burning Man in Black Rock Nevada just after the rains came in. And, as is mentioned in another comment ( here) (that I replied to on this subject matter) Jason stated his reasons for being there, although… if it were me, I would’ve stated that in advance if I knew the type of event that it was… and especially because people refer to the event as Satanic . It just sqashes speculation. If you’re on TruthSocial, and you read the comments on Burning man posts, they were quite vicious towards anybody who chose to attend.

Replied on Ray’s back???

Sep 09 at 06:30 PM

Ssvm Yes, I am aware. I posted this last night. I saw Jason’s message that posted today. I was letting him know as a courtesy, as it was likely, he would never have seen the content of that video, and they speak about him at great length. If someone were speaking about me and I was a public figure, I would want to know. Additionally, the individual in the video stated that he will be speaking at an event in California along with Jason, so I figured it might be good to know that someone you’re going to be mingling with back stage had made statements publicly that might cause people to question Jason’s intent. I had not heard of Burning Man prior to Nino Rodriguez’s interview with him last Saturday.

Replied on Update on Jason?

Sep 08 at 07:45 PM

That being said, a lot of people go because it is intriguing and people are curious who have never been some people go every year, but there have been a lot of correlations made that were touched on in the video link that I posted. However, these days a lot of people participate in activities that they don’t even know are satanic for instance, most concerts, interject, satanic symbols and subliminal messages, and syphon the energy off of the crowds, and most are ignorant to how prevalent these are. There was an accountant, who unknowingly began to work for a satanic organization. They begin by inviting him to ceremonies which involve naked women walking around smearing blood on other naked people. And he was intrigued and literally seduced into the satanic activities, until they literally were about to do a child sacrifice that they wanted him to participate in. It’s like boiling a frog it’s slow, and it is a slow, methodical seduction. It’s like the adventures of Sabrina on Netflix.

Commented on Update on Jason?

Sep 08 at 07:38 PM

Ok I understand everybody ended up getting out on Monday. Per news reports, however, it is being labeled a Satanic event, and Jason’s presence there is causing a lot of people to question him… so he may need to address this.https://rumble.com/v3fvi8q-burning-man-2023-the-white-hats-strike-back-on-truthstream.html

Commented on Ray’s back???

Sep 08 at 07:36 PM

Nice… can’t wait! Btw… Jason something you should see. It’s about burning man and they mention your presence there and they talk about how it’s a very satanic event. Etc. So it sounds like you might need to clear the air on this subject bc rumors fly. https://rumble.com/v3fvi8q-burning-man-2023-the-white-hats-strike-back-on-truthstream.html

Commented on Looks Familiar

Sep 04 at 11:27 AM

What is the image on the right from?

Commented on Burning Man

Sep 03 at 05:09 PM

Apparently, there are a lot of truthers there, which concerns me… bc it makes an event like this a target. Laura Eisenhower is also there apparently.

AND it is held in the BLACK ROCK range… in Neveda. Just saying . Praying might be good at this stage.