Heather Hurley


Sep 01 at 11:49 AM

Video of artifact w/ satanic symbology, a scroll inside made out of human skin. See telegram link for video. It will not allow me to post the video .

Sep 01 at 11:44 AM



Sep 01 at 11:39 AM


Sep 01 at 11:37 AM

Commented on Maui fire

Sep 01 at 11:29 AM

I can say that some individuals authentically possess the ability to interact and receive messages from our Galactic families. ( most bc they incarnated here to assist w/ the awakening and their soul is actually of that alien race) hence the connection. Elizabeth April (among many others) are one of those people, she remote views the Pleadian security council. Like me, she was upset about the devest. They informed her that we as a collective have lessons that we need to learn ( that we came here to learn) and that they must- by Universal law) allow events like this ( horrific as they are) to unfold, so that we can see the corruption, the evil, for ourselves & that we, ourselves, allow it. The police chief in Maui was recently appointed to that position, he was also the same police chief that managed the Las Vegas massacre. He ALSO is the Coroner for Maui. Likewise, the same leaders rotate positions in the FDA, CDC, and Big Pharma. Many have brought this to light, it fell on deaf ears.


Aug 26 at 09:30 PM

And to dovetail on what SGAnon said is that the police chief was only recently appointed to that position in Maui AND he is the Coroner!!! 🤯🤯🤯 And he doesn’t have a medical background. Apparently you don’t need a medical background to be a Coroner. The residents of Maui say they need a legal team. They need to remove the Police Chief, and establish a means of communication w/ all of the victims. I really cannot express how much they need help!

Aug 26 at 09:05 PM

Today a Resident and Realtor has created an organization to help those affected by the fire. Many are homeless, FEMA, is telling them you don’t qualify to stay in a hotel bc you have renters insurance. Many retirees are homeless. There is no organization. They are asking for help bc NO GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE is happening. There is severe disorganization and confusion. MauiLFG.org to explore how we can help. 🙏



Aug 19 at 12:13 PM

Jul 28 at 07:20 PM

That was lovely! I love that it is in Costa Rica.💗 I enjoyed all of the exotic bird sounds and the cleansing rain!🙏

Commented on Apologies

Jul 28 at 11:58 AM

I am unaware of the drama of which you speak, but many of us are learning that lesson right now because we’re being offered the choice do we want victim hood or do we want self empowerment? And the answer is given to the universe by how we direct our thoughts. So kudos to you for your work! 🙏🙏🙏 As we ascend we pave the way for others to as well. It can be VERY challenging at times. So it is vital to support one another .