Apr 06 at 08:51 PM

Photoshop. N4sa is fake old school. Vibes of cosmos is the new school ✅️


Mar 27 at 03:08 AM

There is no natural solution for this... basically this operation should only be done if kids is required. Otherwise you need a manufactured tools to prevent it.

Mar 21 at 10:55 PM

But, because of loosing part of vision... I have gain inner vision of what happen in the world... I was totally sleeping within the gov system


Mar 21 at 10:48 PM

during cov1d lockdown my mental health was in a bad condition, then during that days I decided to gaze the sun. Because I don't have anything else to do. then I started gazing it from sunrise till about 2 hours. Unfortunately I have burned my retina 🥸because I gazed the sun while it becomes very bright... the retina couldn't stand that bright and got damaged. Now I have small black dots in my vision.

Mar 20 at 08:39 PM

When the codes would be released?

If it released, can anyone use it whether in a good or bad way?


Mar 08 at 01:47 AM

♥︎999♥︎ U.S. the north and south its on the west near russia. The lands near Africa this atlantis. Near Australia there a hidden one from the globe map called lemuria...

Mar 08 at 01:45 AM

♥︎999♥︎ you could head up and watch vibe of cosmos videos. They explains how the traffic plane ans ships are moving through a specific paths to make sure people not seen other lands

Mar 08 at 01:40 AM

♥︎999♥︎ yes, its a reflection of the moon. This mean that the moon can not cover up all the earth size. Which reflects a part of it and shows a small area that could cover up some continents. To do mapping moon should be available.

Mar 07 at 10:24 AM


According to vibe of cosmos observation. They says that within the 7 firmaments its all flat within the 7 worlds. But, outside of the 7 firmaments they can not determine the shape of earth. Vibe of cosmos research says that gravity is a hoax. Things in the system operate with mass. Now if the gravity is hoax. The entire system of globe would collapse because its works on the gravity. The spinning ball

Now. TLS they somehow have some truth of what they saying. Such as how the pyramid built up with frequency levitation technology. But I wouldn't say that their information all correct... like whats they talking about the earth being globe and they talking about gravity^^ ...


Mar 07 at 05:48 AM


Moon reflection by VIBE OF COSMOS