Mar 07 at 10:24 AM


According to vibe of cosmos observation. They says that within the 7 firmaments its all flat within the 7 worlds. But, outside of the 7 firmaments they can not determine the shape of earth. Vibe of cosmos research says that gravity is a hoax. Things in the system operate with mass. Now if the gravity is hoax. The entire system of globe would collapse because its works on the gravity. The spinning ball

Now. TLS they somehow have some truth of what they saying. Such as how the pyramid built up with frequency levitation technology. But I wouldn't say that their information all correct... like whats they talking about the earth being globe and they talking about gravity^^ ...



Mar 07 at 05:50 AM

World Map, Moon reflection by vibe of cosmos.


Mar 07 at 05:48 AM


Moon reflection by VIBE OF COSMOS

Mar 07 at 05:27 AM

Ssvm ray is not a god... so whenever he says something you would believe him directly. do your own research

Replied on TLS Update

Mar 07 at 05:20 AM

Laura so, you mean that what ray refer for the globe is the electromagnetic field as a globe. not the earth as a sphere ? will i agree that the electromagnetic field is globe. But whenever you see their interviews. they bring up E.T. stuff, alien crafts what refer to a globe system.

Commented on post was deleted

Mar 07 at 04:55 AM

Lets see what would happen

Mar 07 at 04:54 AM

Why does TLS insists of saying that the earth is globe?

Mar 07 at 04:53 AM

Vibe of cosmos explaining the system



Mar 07 at 04:52 AM