Patsie Fletcher

Well that is interesting. Is it real? Why in Northern California? Normally it would list the city, county of blank blank. Where are the rest of the documents? I can’t see John being accidentally placed in the Document and the others mentioned in the order would get a copy as well and if they came to the same conclusion, I’m afraid he would be a dead man for sure. So until I get more info I would have to say it’s not real.

Sep 09 at 04:53 PM

Yes we do just trust in God. I know the Bible has been rewritten many times over, things left out. Man inserts how he thinks the text should read. We aren’t taught Hebrew or the culture or the ways of the people in ancient times, we have to trust that our pastor is anointed and given the truth and light by God. My church doesn’t teach about past lives, or about end times. I have to research that info. I’m afraid as we get closer to tribulation our church body won’t be ready for it. Or maybe I’m moving faster than them and as we get closer the Pastor will know? Until told otherwise I will keep God, Jesus and the holy Spirt in my heart.


Sep 09 at 01:40 PM

Great interview

Sep 09 at 01:37 PM

I sure like to more about Jesus and how he feels about how religions view him. Is any of it true?

Commented on The Transformation

Aug 23 at 04:21 PM

Wow hoping I can. Retired living on a fixed income if I should get a windfall, I’m there!
