Patsie Fletcher

Nov 05 at 12:21 PM

Great job thanks

Oct 25 at 03:48 PM


Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 28 at 10:40 PM

Great job!

Sep 16 at 10:05 PM

Thanks Linda

Sep 16 at 10:04 PM

Thanks Linda I don’t trust all Pastors or all Congregations. And I know the church is the foundation and Jesus is the Rock. I have no issues with Jesus . I just know that man has changed Gods word since the beginning of time, so I continue to strive to hear God. I’m wondering what our pastors are doing when no one mentions Maui? Do they know something I don’t know? Are they afraid to talk about end times? Is it denial or do they not want to cause panic? Soon the government will try and lock us down again, how will the church respond this time?


Sep 11 at 01:52 PM

The question of whether or not Musk is a good guy. The first time I heard about the chip sounded scary to me. Cause you can see the problems if evil got a hold of it. Pharma is evil and there is no way they will work with him unless they have the power over it. It will be hackable.  Apparently he has a trans child that hates his money and has been turned against him by the school. If that is true then he has more problems than we know about and no way is he going to put a chip into my child’s brain. 

Where are the children?

OperationQ well since anything can be copied or changed on the internet, I’m just saying I need a little more information. This is the first time seeing this and until I see more individuals or documents come out I will question its validity. Is it a joke or real? My mind can be easily changed. I too have worked in around the court system for over 30 years. The court clerks or the Attorneys if not the Judge would have caught the error. That document would have gone thru a few hands. Only God could have shield their eyes from seeing the error. Yes I want to believe that JFK Jr is coming back and will be President, and Princess Diane is also going to comeback to take her rightful place.


Sep 09 at 08:27 PM

I believe the Rabbi that he speaks of is with TLS. I’m assuming he doesn’t teach online.


Sep 09 at 08:24 PM

Yes he was
