Orly Pittock

City of Los Angeles, CA, United States

We would like to Learn about humanitarian projects… As on Rumble with Dr. Kia Pruitt.,

As one day soon, we will be - on a whole new quantum GESARA NESARA with beautiful beautiful opportunities to be of service for the greater good of our communities…

We’re very close… As I’m listening to beautiful patriots, sharing, regarding the redemption centers all over the United States…

Amen 🙏🏻


Hello UNIFYD TV support..

My friend & colleague Andrea Buntin a force to be reckoned with…

I’ve been sharing with her the unified TV platform, and she is looking into possibly teaching & sharing her gifts with her Innate gift’s in Homeopathy on UNIFYD TV ..


For more info & to connect with Andrea Please see attached photo. 🤗💐


Thank you 🙏🏻

Orly Pittock

A UNIFYD TV Ambassador..




Jul 03 at 05:54 PM

1990 ‏אבא ‏אליעזר והמשפחה ‏ ‏