

Apr 29 at 11:39 PM

Does anyone know for Monday night live one on one , is it an upgrade ? Or can anyone access the link ? ☺️ I had trouble pressing the link today like it wasn’t blue like most links.



Apr 06 at 04:34 PM

I hope one day that all of us get to play a role in helping TLS 💜maybe we already are ☺️



Mar 30 at 11:59 AM

Thought and Question of the day , what does everyone think about the Dune Movies ? ☺️ I think there’s some interesting revelations in there ☝🏽like the ‘spice’ representing consciousness.


Mar 25 at 11:47 PM

I know sometimes movies can be silly to use for references but we really outta see how some movies are actually documentaries ☺️👀… I always have loved the Transformers movies especially 1 and 2 . Especially in number 2 there is so so much revelations and parallel information in it that’s spoken about in the pyramid code and also with relation with items under the dome of the rock and under the pyramids and the technology of empl and the talk about how energy cannot be created nor destroyed just ‘transformed’ and of course the intention of the energy itself. Just wanted to share this 😋🌌👀.


Mar 05 at 01:01 PM

Was there a Monday night live yesterday?



Feb 10 at 10:24 PM

Thought this was too funny and real 👏🏽😋 let’s love all the places our soul has been to and has become . 💫



Feb 10 at 10:23 PM


Feb 10 at 10:22 PM

Just wanted to hop on and say I hope everyone is doing well 💜🙏🏽 keep going , we got this , I know it’s hard , and that’s okay, we all were made for this . We are uplifting this world we are bringing in the new earth. 🌌🌏



Feb 07 at 10:07 PM

Who’s ready for the Pyramid Code part 3 ? …💜I’m so ready !👏🏽🌌⏱
~The Pyramids are ringing to us ~



Jan 19 at 10:28 PM

Wrote this in the sand the other day 💜🙏🏽 It’s upon us , it’s within us 🌏