Nikilauni Simon

Seattle, WA, United States

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 02:24 PM

Oh wow…. I’m so sorry you went through that. I can’t even imagine how hard of a decision that must’ve been…. My husband don’t see eye to eye on a lot of social issues I think you’d call it…. But we def agree with one thing and that’s to question everything because a lot in this world and in our government is corrupt and not having our best interest in mind. I can’t imagine us not having the same views on this. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that 😔

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 02:20 PM

Oh wow! Yea it’s sickening really. Thankfully my husband and I see eye to eye on all this stuff. We noticed all the inconsistencies red flags and bullshit from day one. I do cosmetic tattoo, I worked one day during the shut down in the tattoo shop I was in at the time and no one else was there, I kept the lights off and worked away from the windows…. I get a notice in the mail from the health department stating someone turned me in for violation of the shut down orders and if I did it again I would be facing permanent shut down and fines. They had my personal business on the letter too, not the tattoo shops name which was weird. I watched so many people in my family fight over getting/not getting the vaccine. This has all been crazy to watch.


Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 02:12 PM

You can only do so much imo. My in laws refused to get vaccines when my son was born, because they don’t trust them…. (I was a paranoid mom who wanted people to get vaccinated before breathing on my baby lol) and then the Covid vaccines came out and they were first in line to get jabbed. It was so hurtful and eye opening at the same time. You can only reason with reasonable people. After a while it just causes more division. And ultimately, free will is free will and they’ll do with it what they will. The antidote on here was extremely eye opening to me. Like another mentioned- that could be a place to start. And then just pray that, when presented with logical information, they will be open minded and hear what else you’ve got for them.


Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 02:07 PM

I believe it!! I have two kiddos and was suckered into vaxxing them both. The flu vax has made us sick every single time we’ve gotten it. My daughters doctor pretty much forced me into doing it several times and was extremely pushy about it…. Saying it was coincidence we got sick, so we did it two more years in a row under the same assumption and pushyness of her dr, got sick every single time. And it was horrible. I couldn’t work, we were both stuck in bed with the worst flu. So we don’t do that one anymore. I homeschool my kiddos, for a bunch of reasons, but also because they force the vaccines on you now. Can’t put them in school until they’re vaccinated.

Commented on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 01:19 PM

Maybe the vax is what sent daddy Joe into delirium?? Ope jk before I even finished that he said “don’t take it from lee, uh me” I’m sorry but he is the biggest embarrassment of this planet. He doesn’t even know what his job is 🤣 I’m screamin

Commented on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 12:25 PM

I remember watching all these people on tv getting the vax, and being like ok there’s def saline in that 🤣 or it’s a fake syringe. Suckerssss. I gotta ask, what about other immunizations? Maybe it’ll say it in here idk.

Commented on Third Eye Spies

Nov 29 at 01:48 PM

A medium I’ve seen several times works with law enforcement on missing persons cases on an unofficial basis! Super interesting. There are several reviews on her website from different investigators she’s consulted with, that are all along the same “I thought it was crazy and a bunch of nonsense, but she gave me coordinates that there’s no possible way she could’ve known” I’m sure they were all amazed, I know the accuracy she’s had in our sessions were spot on and I was definitely amazed.


Nov 26 at 04:16 PM

Allison Mack was released from prison in July of this year also…. After serving a measly 2 out of the 3 years she was sentenced. Disgusting. There is something so sick and twisted and devastatingly unjust, about our justice system. It sickens me.



Nov 26 at 04:08 PM

Ugh. Makes me sick….. the whole pizza gate shit. I remember going down that rabbit hole so deeply years ago when my son was still a baby. I found myself on some weird information. It kept me awake for weeks. I couldn’t stop going further and further…. It was very dark for a while. I would have nightmares of my kids being taken and finding them chained to tables in weird pool houses like those podesta paintings. Ugh it makes me so sick to think about again. My husband had to tell me to stop because it was breaking me. I felt so on edge all the time. 100% Paranoid

Commented on Chasing the Present

Nov 22 at 06:33 PM

That poor guy sitting in the cafe with I assume his father? That’s such a hard thing to deal with. Having parents who aren’t aware enough to talk about that kind of stuff with. Especially as a man, I imagine, trying to talk to your father who grew up a certain way… about your mental and emotional struggles. Just to be dismissed and completely invalidated. So many of us in this generation deal with exactly that. A huge part of my healing journey, has been forgiveness and understanding, of my parents and their own personal journey. I realized and really came to terms with the fact that they had their own journey, their own collection of experience, with their own parents and so on, that has shaped them into the being that they are today. When I accepted this, it became easier to not take the hurtful words and dismissal, so deeply personally.