Antonio careccia

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Aug 18 at 08:21 PM

Amen to that 🙏🏻

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jun 04 at 07:52 PM

That’s just disgusting and so repulsive that there’s one family who is worth a trillion dollars and of course it’s arguably the most ruthlessly corrupt and powerful family in history of the world otherwise that money could be a resource that could do so much good but bc these people are sadistic psychopaths they will make sure they die before they give up even a penny to help people unless it’s their own people .. this planet does beee help esplefislly this country I think we have been on a major downward trajectory since 9/11 and it took people 20 years to realize that was a complete false flag and that was carried out by our own gov agencies against their own people.. and u still have folks that think osama pulled that off drove a plane into a 110 story building twice lol a hour apart. Or so and why weren’t f-16s in the air guarding nyc air space right after the first plane hit - cats out the bag but sadly even if people know they’re doing nothing sadly but sitting on their ass 🤦‍♂