
sarah all of them are adreno fiends.

Adrenochrome? Follow The White Rabbit...

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/what-is-adrenochrome-follow-the-white-rabbit


Nov 07 at 04:16 PM

Flynn is playing a role or is a real infiltrator grifter who benefited off Q :


Akhi Shomer the reason for the site is cause I was banned everywhere over the past 4 years and that is the way I have been able to get the truth out without being censored.

Akhi Shomer I am a /unifyd.tv/ promoter and was a long time user of the social platform before it migrated. I have no agenda other than waking sheeple up to the truth. I am in contact with legit sources and you are here detracting. I have nothing further to say to you after you have spoken such slander and misdirection.


Akhi Shomer Q is real, he has revealed himself.

Vincent Fusca (JFK Jr.) Spotted At Trump Pennsylvania Rally

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/vincent-fusca-jfk-jr-spotted-at-trump-pennsylvania-rally

Also I named the sources who confirm this information. They are connected to military and royalty. For all I know Jason and TLS could be a Zionist psyop.


Akhi Shomer I have spoken with Q shaman, he is out and alive, waking thousands online everyday. They will all be free and they will sue the government for millions.
