Charity Hawk

Mar 06 at 03:41 AM

Nichol marie arego 💔❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❣️

Jan 30 at 05:53 AM

Akhi never though if that ! But I like it!


Jan 30 at 05:07 AM

Charity Hawk cont..I won’t push I will wait for you to feel comfortable enough to respond and answer those few questions! And feel free to ask any you may have! I will do my best to answer! In the meantime know there is someone standing in the gap in powerful prayer!

Be safe! Jesus Loves you!



Jan 30 at 05:04 AM

Charity Hawk cont…That’s where i believe I went wrong! A demonic spirit can only attach itself to you from another living soul! If this man was intament with her a practicing witch and she is probably the reason he thought he was crazy and she landed him there! Regardless you can’t discount the company he has kept! And you can’t help him until you help yourself! Cut ties with all involved! Ask Jesus into your heart! Congress your sins let him wash you clean and go show those demons exactly who they messed with! The very sound of his Name Jesus makes them scurry in fear! And they HAVE TO LEAVE! Satan cannot dwell where Jesus dwells! If you don’t believe me ! If you ever encounter her again! Say this “I am covered by the blood in Jesus name and the power with in me says you have to go! I break the chains of the demonic you are powerless here!” And listen or watch her turn herself inside out! ONLY IF AN ECOUNTER occurs! Don’t go looking! Cont..


Jan 30 at 04:52 AM

Charity Hawk cont.. I want to give you the best and only advice you should run with! EVERYTHING Akhi said and to further his point! Do you know Jesus?? Do you know the power that lies in that name?? Do you realize that we have a blood covenant with him that supersedes ANYTHING the devil can attempt to counterfeit? “God has not given you the spirit of fear but I of power, love and a sound mind” Fear is if the devil! No matter what form it may appear in! All these things that are happening to you is because you are giving them the power! Life and death is in the power of the tongue! So I’m going to go back to my original question! Do you know Jesus? Have you given your life to him? And here is the other side! Are you practicing any black magic or occult practices? (You can be honest no judgement! I just want to help!) because if you are that opens door for the devil to run rampid in your life! It can be something as simple as allowing the wrong person in your life or home! Cont..


Jan 30 at 04:42 AM

Milan Jus I hope I’m not intruding but I was reading this comment string and Akhi is dead on the money! These people only have the amount of power over you that you give them! They feed off of fear!! I have been in your shoes! I could tell you stories that would make your hair stand up! It was most certainly a spiritual warfare for my soul! There were no human entities involved! If I hadn’t had lived it and heard someone describing these events I would call them crazy! But I lived them! My mother, brother, step dad, and my 2 sons lived it right along with me! But it was such a gradual process over the first 2 years of breaking me that I never realized that I was fighting the devil himself! And that was just out I wasn’t fighting! I was doing my best to survive! Looking back I had 3 spirits the were sent and attached themselves to me! Fear, Torment and Death! It was heavy demonic oppression! I will elaborate if you like but for now cont..


Jan 29 at 07:36 PM

Jesse Walter

Jan 29 at 07:30 PM

Jesse Walter oh my I just seen this ! Of course ! I apologize for the delay!

Jan 29 at 07:29 PM

I’m there with you! But they are going to stream it (not quite the same but make the best of it I guess) maybe we could zoom it together and watch the stream together! Not positive if that’s even a possibility! Just a thought !