Charity Hawk I now a lot of this things you are talking about and I were stuff I get from Nuns and Munks all the time.
I don’t know what to do iam not giving them power I told them to suck my after I played along with them but my friend he is gone I started to argue with him because I told him you are giving them the power to just talke about them all the time not what to do but everything.
He was at the police station for 3days because of here but when they saw that it was him that called 911 then they release him but he was treating them whit my name and lot off outer stuff that’s way they attacked me iam not stupid I understand a lot but I don’t need this shit in my life
Replied on Sorry to asking about this thing but ...
Feb 03 at 08:42 AM
@charity Hawk love ❤️ and respect to you if you have something to share with me pls do so and iam more then ready