R Fos

Commented on The Great Awakening

Aug 15 at 10:27 AM

I'm glad people are waking up, but I know we are still headed for some very rough times. I pray that you all will seek God and stay very close to Him, He will be there for you in your darkest times of need, as He has always been for me.

Amazing that Jim Carrey said Canada cares about their people ... No. They are headed by a communist dictator now who is enslaving them ALL. We are headed by the same type of psychopath elitist.

Soros has planted these psychos EVERYWHERE. We're seeing the culmination of many decades of careful planning by extremely evil forces...

Yet in the end... Jesus wins.

God bless America.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 13 at 05:39 AM

They just attacked Maui and destroyed it.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Aug 05 at 11:18 PM

That president during Hiroshima was NOT a true Christian. Your definition of Christian is EXTREMELY TWISTED. You have no CLUE what a true Christian is, but this is something you REALLY need to LEARN about. You called this a Christian country - it was founded upon Christian principles, but it was also founded upon pagan Freemason principles. The same evil Satanic group has been behind the scenes in America the entire time.


The majority of Americans are NOT genuine Christians and never have been. You need to be educated about this subject bc you've got it TOTALLY WRONG.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Aug 05 at 11:12 PM

True Christians are NOT responsible for the bombs in Japan. The same groups of psychopaths that you call evil today were behind those bombs. You think the source of these evils has CHANGED since then? You actually think CHRISTIANS did it? NO. SATANISTS and those who pushed the NWO were behind it, as they have been behind ALL wars - JUST LIKE YOU SAID. HOW can you get this so wrong???

Satan HIMSELF was behind those bombs along with his human puppets on Earth.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Aug 05 at 10:19 PM

A genuine Christian is someone who has received salvation through Jesus Christ, and who has become "Born Again". Being "Born Again" is a real and genuine thing - it is a permanent, supernatural transformation. It truly happens. Jesus actually becomes one with your spirit and changes it forever. There IS a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that changes your entire being, in one instant - your spirit, soul, mind, and body. And your whole entire LIFE - FOREVER.

Jesus Christ is real and He is the final Truth beyond everything.

I hope for your sake, Ray, that you find Him in your lifetime. He will change EVERYTHING. In the BEST ways possible. But just like things you describe, you can't imagine or understand it until it happens to you.

If you REALLY want the whole Truth, seek Him. And you will find Him. Will pray this for you.

Being Born Again was the BEST thing that EVER happened to me in my entire 62 years and forever.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Aug 05 at 02:27 PM

I don't necessarily believe in reincarnation, based on a Bible Scripture which says, "It is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement."

However, I've heard some pretty incredible proofs offered about that subject & honestly don't know what to think. I'd like to learn more before I make a hard decision not to believe...I DO believe & know there most definitely WILL be an Age of Love - & this will be during the reign of Jesus Christ upon this Earth after He returns, & it shall be HIS love that reigns over all & brings mankind into a state of harmony.

However the way to get there is by accepting Him into your heart. You cannot attain eternal Life without Jesus in your heart, & I've learned this beyond any doubt at all in my 62 years, Jesus is the Answer.

Wd love to believe this video but some contradicts what I've learned. I do hope TLS is for real. They will be in my prayers; I hope they are God's people... Would explain why they can't just go kill the psychopaths.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Aug 05 at 02:24 PM

I can understand why you believe what you do. I had a lot of questions and beliefs before I met Jesus... what happened to me with Him answered most of my questions but there's still so much to learn. Like for instance I can't say beyond doubt that there aren't ET's, and I KNOW there are interdimensional beings, I've actually interacted with them. Evil ones I mean - people call them demons.

But what Jesus did for me has far outweighed ANYTHING else in my entire life. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Him... He's saved my life countless times.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Aug 05 at 02:14 PM

And btw my first comment was left in the wrong place, it wasn't actually meant for you. This app puts comments in the wrong place.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Aug 05 at 02:13 PM

You don't understand and I don't expect you to be able to. You can't know what a relationship with Jesus is like until you actually have one. It's not about religion - I am not religious. Religion is just a set of man's rules about God, or gods. What I'm talking about is supernatural, powerful, and real - the realest thing that's ever happened to me. It was like being struck by a spiritual bolt of lightning, but in a GOOD way, a WONDERFUL way. Much more real than anything this guy has said.

One day you're going to meet Him, in fact every single human being has a future intersection with Jesus Christ. He is one with me now - I could no more separate from Him than I could cut off my own head.



Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Aug 05 at 09:44 AM

It's because they want to destroy a large part of the population.

THAT'S why all the horrible things are happening now. They are our mortal enemies.They not only don't care about us, they want most of us DEAD.