R Fos

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Aug 05 at 09:41 AM

An abduction is still an abduction when it is against their will and you didn't get permission to take that person. You say you don't harm them, but their spirit DOES remember even if their mind does not. It is a terrifying experience and it still remains embedded in the psyche and effects people in pronounced ways, in negative ways. It DOES harm them. Especially when people respond by thinking they're crazy, that's even WORSE, that's MORE harm.

How does this not occur to you?



Aug 03 at 07:56 PM

TLS sounds very much like the group that Carolyn Hamlet worked for, although she didn't call them that... She has now passed away, but there are several videos on YouTube detailing her experiences. Eventually she became Born Again through Jesus and left that organization whom she now says are completely evil, but deceiving most of those who work for them into thinking they intend good for humanity. Her experiences are astounding, possibly as much or more than Ray's.

But... If TLS does not recognize the existence of actual evil demons and their ruler Satan, then they are either lying or are deceived themselves.

Carolyn was deceived by the group she worked for, for many, many years until God revealed the truth to her, which drastically changed her life.

I would highly recommend to anyone to check her out on YouTube. She's as truthful as they come, genuinely knows what she's talking about.

Not implying Ray is lying, but that there is much he does not know.

Commented on DISCLOSURE

Aug 03 at 07:42 PM

I believe most of what Ray said with some exceptions:

There most def ARE non human entities that are totally evil. They are demonic beings from the realm of darkness, which is in the spiritual plane; however they can traverse between there and the natural world.

Satan who is called Lucifer is their ruler - they are under a military type hierarchy.

God Himself gave me a Gift of Power called the Holy Spirit; through this I've done spiritual warfare against them and cast them out of people and places.

To believe they don't exist is to believe lies - don't be deceived. Satan and his demons - fallen angels - are a huge part of the evil being done in this world and the coming plans to enslave everyone under a one world ruler who will be the antichrist.

This WILL happen, and will only be defeated by Jesus Christ Himself when He returns to this Earth in the future.

I believe this will happen in most of our lifetimes. Read the King James Bible for the Truth.



Aug 03 at 07:29 PM

I do believe the most of the things Ray says, with some exceptions - not sure why Ray doesn't know this, with all his knowledge, but:

There very definitely IS such a thing as evil non human entities; there are demonic beings & an entire 'realm of darkness' full of demonic creatures under the hierarchy of Satan who rules over them. He is a fallen angel as are the rest of his minions.

I have been in contact with these beings in the form of spiritual warfare.

God Himself is absolutely real, as is Jesus Christ, & they became a part of me & part of my life; thru my experiences with Jesus, I received a Gift of Power called the Holy Spirit, & thru this Power I learned to do spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness & defeat them, cast them out.

The powers of darkness are a HUGE part of the corruption in this world & the plans to enslave humanity under a one world ruler who will be the antichrist. This is coming & can't be stopped, until Jesus Himself stops them.
