Julie Lamarche

Apr 02 at 04:01 PM

If not monopolized u can see ontario canada it's open to public in quebec its first open to banks,realtor,and repos company's then to public each province has its own rules u know


Apr 02 at 03:59 PM

U can do worldwide


Apr 02 at 03:50 PM

U can add ideas to it this is just me my little doing and it did awesome awareness madness moments ;)

Apr 02 at 03:47 PM


Canada has a total of 3,573 municipalities among its 10 provinces and 3 territories that are subject to some form of local government. iv created a worldwide support group for awareness and got each country a member to create a support awareness from their we got the admin of that group to find a volunteer to find a member to do the same and so on and on that created many support groups for awareness and then I created a site for awareness madness moments all groups worldwide posting awareness about the subject that is open to the public do same on YouTube, Facebook,ect... How to get the members worldwide? You ask ev1 where r they from and if they would love to help volunteer creat awareness madness moments for. Together We Will Plan United We Will Stand Then you post subjects situations like crazy till u get spam lmaoThen u do live shows with the groups about the subject of their country,municipalities, province,wtv all media has live streaming awareness madness moments:)

Mar 30 at 06:29 AM

They even went to kicking me out of the province and are making me shut my mouth they going to lock me up in mental institution,and tell my family iv passed away accutely I am alrady pronounced dead at the village hospital as we speak lmao I speak to loud

I use to participate for anonymous in toronto ont 🍁 I had to leave as mY mask was id, and they killed my Dr that was going to help me sue them Dr's that used me to wright the book

the enigma called endometriosis book its all my surgeries and organs pictures u see in the book and the book use to be private for gynecologist eyes only they even went kill Dr's I need to go anonymous asap before they kill me they already tried many times

Mar 30 at 06:22 AM

The endo is feeding of hormones all they give is is hormones to keep making

Moneys it takes 10 to 25 years to be diagnosed tuen they say your crazy and take your organs out one by one they don't want to admit it's a slow killing cancer

Mar 30 at 06:19 AM

I have so many of groups that ha very gotten to be created since 1990iv been advocate for endometriosis the awareness we have created is what brought ot to be know now still lots of work to be done as I said they do call it the enigma dasiese


Mar 30 at 06:11 AM

I have many of them pages support group and awareness madness moments but Facebook has stopped me and said I was spam ing Facebook lol iv been a advocate for years now and awareness for endometriosis is great as it is now know to the world I also have a crisis ctr for suicide and very much involve to this enigma called endometriosis we are being used abused neglected,and state we are crazy,ect.... just plain monopolies with medical mafia
