
Nova Europa, Brazil

I will never understand the evil that’s formed on this planet, maybe I don’t belong here.

Mar 20 at 07:18 PM

Finally ❤️🤘🏼


Feb 27 at 04:04 PM

My grandmother had cancer in her stomach, it was spreading so fast, they gave her not even a few months to live. My grandmother was determined that god was going to heal her, she just knew it. Within 5 months she was cancer free, I truly believe she healed herself and she doesn’t even know it, she mentally and physically spoke her healing into existence, not saying god wasn’t a help, but people fail to realize how powerful we really are as just ordinary humans.


In my opinion Technology is going to be the complete downfall of this generation, I feel like everyone is going to be completely consumed with virtual reality that our ultimate reality will soon become just a vessel and used for necessities to stay alive, like eating, using the restrooms. Imagine everyone being so disconnected and distracted from reality, a complete world take over could happen and we would never know it because we would be too busy living in VR.

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Feb 22 at 10:39 AM

TeamTruthers it may not apply to you, but if your aware and see the symbol in a suspicious manner, wouldn’t you do what you could to prevent something bad from happening? Or would you look at it with the rest of the world in a normal manner an walk away not thinking anything of it?

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Feb 22 at 08:08 AM

TeamTruthers you sure about that? You can find that information everywhere

Feb 21 at 11:24 PM

More TLS for sure. Would be amazing if ray would do one interview without withholding information due to others sensitivity to religion and history. Can we just normalize the fact that everyone has different beliefs and opinions already? lol but yeah more TLS



Feb 21 at 11:10 PM

I want to post this for the ones who don’t know, yes there’s a lot of people who still don’t know about these symbols. This is not fake, unfortunately it’s accurate and something that’s constantly evolving in society today as we speak. No matter how much the world tries to normalize this behavior, I will continue to keep fighting to save our children.


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Feb 21 at 10:57 PM

But you have #savethechildren on your profile

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Feb 21 at 10:48 PM

That symbol…….