
Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Feb 13 at 10:27 PM

MUCH LOVE Ray I can't thank you ENOUGH man these people need to go 🙏🏼💪🏼 it's time to unite they don't care about millions of us so I'm willing to do anything any mission that is required thru TLS please if I can do anything to help this with you an TLS I'll do it and I'll sign anything needed to not talk as well we must all stop this beyond corruption for the love of our universal existence as we know it please I beg anyone to please let me help our humanity i will do anything it takes I don't have any super powers but i have balls and a heart to do whatever it takes life or death it's that extremely important to me and i broke the matrix code of the brainwashed system as we all know it much love to all that are in the light and love too humanity