
Nov 30 at 01:07 PM

THANK YOU for your service to humanity !



Nov 30 at 01:04 PM

Dear Jason, and UNIFYD TV Team,
I have annual membership, and the value you providing is priceless! Much Love and please remember my help is yours!


Commented on Embodying Peace

Nov 27 at 12:15 AM

Thank you ❤️

Commented on TRANCE

Nov 26 at 11:58 PM


Nov 26 at 09:58 PM

Thank you for the courage and sharing  ♥️ everything make sense, as Jason said in TLS video, government want keep this technology secret, to keep us under economical slavery and control the power ( energy, possibilities) , as well one day, government will attack us flying own spaceships, pretending that it is beings from another planet, to declare state of high emergency, in the attempt  putting us in the  state of severe fear to agree to give up our rights and be under total governmental military control... Same pattern as with COVID scam, 9/11, etc...  Thank you very much to all UnifydTV team for education, and raising our awareness... 

Commented on Best Kept Secret

Nov 20 at 01:07 PM

Enormous thanks to UnifydTV team, TLS organization and all people of good will, as Sean Stone, who uniting to do something about it, and eventually to obliterate this planetary cholocost. If anyone like to learn more about topic under discussion Citizens Commusions on Human rights on their website

has video documentaries, to stay fully informed and have information designed to arm you with facts.

✨💗🙏 Much Love


Nov 20 at 12:43 AM

Agree ✨❤️🕊️ love Serena as well, exactly for above stated reasons!

Nov 20 at 12:39 AM

This is so POWERFUL! Thank you very much for this ✨❤️🕊️ everyone from TLS most respect and gratitude for your selfless help to humanity! Jason you are awesome communicator - concise and to the point, and Serena DC thank you for asking those questions on behalf of 98% of people who have no clue at all, and thanks to your demand of clarification it make understandable to everyone, who watching without any previous education on the topic at all. ✨🎄🕊️💌


Nov 20 at 12:31 AM

Dear Jane, thanks for asking : watch Antidone video with Jason

until very end, it will give you full education and simple $20 remedy . Much Love to you as well


Nov 20 at 12:29 AM

This is so POWERFUL! Thank you very much for this ✨❤️🕊️ Jason you are awesome communicator - concise and to the point, and Serena DC thank you for asking those questions on behalf of 98% of people who have no clue at all, and thanks to your demand of clarification it make understandable to everyone, who watching without any previous education on the topic at all. ✨🎄🕊️💌