
Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Aug 21 at 06:20 AM

Thank you Jason, Ray and team, This is amazing, Everything make sense! My help is yours. Much Love


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Aug 20 at 11:49 PM

Agree Amaya !

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Aug 20 at 01:37 PM

Thank you Jason, Ray and team! ❤️ Much Love

Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Aug 20 at 08:35 AM

Thank you Ray and Jason and team! As Martial art instructor, I agree with Ray, that only when one can generate unlimited power and force, one can afford sweet luxury of kindness and love. Truly, not as propitiation , out of fear. I am here, I am alive, I speak up, I never will be slave. Please remember my help is yours. Much Love

Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Aug 20 at 08:28 AM

Thank you! So delighted. Truth is all freeing mechanisms, Much Love


Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Aug 20 at 08:23 AM

Agree ! ✨💗🌸🌿🙏


Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Aug 20 at 07:46 AM

Thank you, Jason and team ! Amazing. My help is yours , Much Love

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Aug 20 at 07:15 AM

Thanks for sharing, I have same experiences of knowing things without data , just know. And I know that Ray and what he is talking about it is a real deal. Much Love


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 20 at 04:47 AM

Hi Max, endless light and love to you as well. I texted you. Will stay in communication. Much Love


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 20 at 04:43 AM

Hi Sharon, later in comments Max added his phone number +15309574767 . Much Love