Ginny Lyran StarSeed


Sep 24 at 11:34 PM

Tonight I release all feelings of not being worthy, not being enough, and not being able to stand out in a crowd. I know those are subconscious programs that are meant to keep us playing small and not knowing our true power. I hereby call in self worth, self love, and the feeling of how unique and special I am, as we ALL are. Grateful to be alive at this special time on Earth. 💜😇🌎



Sep 24 at 08:30 PM

This magnificent Maine Coon cat reminds me of my former ET lives as a majestic feline being in the Lyra Star System. What Star Race to you feel alignment with?



Sep 01 at 05:48 PM

I just launched my Sensitive StarSeed podcast. Check out my first show where I interview Eden Koz of Just Be....Spiritual Boom. We discuss the Great Awakening, her dear death experience, the power of meditation and how to love the dark even as we choose the light and Ascend.



Aug 24 at 06:59 PM

Never underestimate the power of your intention and your spoken words. My daily declaration is: I AM VIBRANT, RESILIENT, BOLD AND BRILLIANT, today and every day in all situations.