Michelle Perry

Ahhhh I’m so sad I had such an important question

So sad I’m missed the live I was registered but had A family emergency


Mar 22 at 01:11 PM

Well he did say in one of the disclosures that we can reincarnate into a man, woman, or animal. So I’m assuming being gay or lesbian isn’t something we can control. We can however control our sexual urges which he also said overdoing is not good for us. Can’t remember if that was in disclosure or pyramid code but I think disclosure.

Mar 22 at 12:33 PM

Angela Elizabeth Benoit I think Jason might hold a higher position than Ray does. I feel like they pulled Jason in and now he’s aware of what and who he is. They kind of hinted that he may have more pull with TLS so he’s probably more protected. And it kind of seems like Ray may have just found this out. Rays demeanor has changed a bit in part 3/4 which we’re probably both filmed the same day and just released at separate times.

Mar 22 at 12:29 PM

I’ve watched all the discourses and pyramid codes plus listened to the Audio book and I’ve made my own conclusions with the info from Ray along with other studies but nobody ever addresses ghosts. So we have the option of being reincarnated and all that jazz but what is the explanation for trapped souls? I have seen them. Maybe an alternate dimension? Since our souls can be in multiple bodies at once but what does that mean for the trapped soul? I’d like to dig into more info on the process of death and rebirth. So many questions


Feb 22 at 04:30 PM

Jennifer Burnett oh bless your heart…so Jesus Christ is going to start taking our children now? 🤦🏻‍♀️That would be nasty evil people who steal our offspring. Not Jesus Christ. If you seriously believe that one soul, one alone, is coming to save us… you need to be more open minded and THINK FOR YOURSELF! Stop listening to a book with stories that make a handful of men seem perfect. Energy is the source and that’s what God is. Our brains are functional because of energy flowing through it, therefore we all have the ability to use that energy to raise our level of consciousness. WE have to save ourselves as a collective.


Feb 22 at 04:20 PM

Steve Pariseau I think he’s more so referring to wars for the reasons humans have wars. Like over religion, greed, or money. Things like that. I don’t know much about the wars you speak of, I’ll have to research. But I’m sure if those wars happened, it was for a much more important reason that our petty wars like land.


Feb 22 at 04:17 PM

I believe his “anger” as you call it, is more frustration because if it were completely up to him, he would tell everything… but he can’t. Thats… why he’s frustrated. He knows what he knows and our simple minds can’t fully comprehend it, that bothers him as well. He knows that most people will not accept the info he is giving but he’s okay with that. Listen to the info, use your own free will to make your own decisions on what you believe and how you will live this life. He has to protect himself & his family. Just because his voice & identity is hidden, doesn’t mean that some of the info he states won’t expose who he is. When someone is speaking about another person and something they did or did not do, the person listening to the info will always know when someone is talking about them. Especially if specifics are given. So he’s cautious. But most of what he says has been said before in some books or articles, you just have to pay attention. It all makes sense. Everything.


When I asked them for the antibody test they DID NOT want to do one. THEY KNOW there is venom in the vaccine. They just can’t say so, just like she just said in this interview, insurance companies put limits on docs and docs put limits on patients. Big pharma ALWAYS has the final say so. They’re killing our loved ones and getting away with it. Smh so sad for us and I feel even worse for the corrupt people involved. How lost they must be in life.

My Mamaw was mostly healthy besides COPD and after she got boosted, not even a week later her health faded drastically. We are 11months into multiple symptoms piling on with no answers besides “we think she has lupus” LUPUS… at age 63? It’s unreal. Started off with getting Covid, then she couldn’t hold food down and was ALWAYS nauseous. Then she lost her ability to stand and walk. Then she got Steven’s Johnson’s on her skin. 14 specialists couldnt explain how she got it. Then they decided it was auto immune(lupus). Now she having problems with her kidneys and skin continuously breaks out in horrible rashes. I just started her on nicotine patches but her side and nurses keep taking it off of her and telling me it’s bad for her. So I’ve been feeding her night shade veggies like crazy. She takes 31 pills a day. I had to lie and tell them she had a pet snake so they would order an antibody test and they put her on hydroxicloriquin but never gave the results on her antibody test.