Sean Weber

Feb 16 at 02:52 PM

Itll be at the abundant light center in tulsa Oklahoma


Jan 31 at 10:50 PM



Jan 19 at 07:07 AM

Its a mat that goes on your bed that plugs into the ground wire of a recepticle in your house so that you can be grounded/earthing while you sleep.

Jan 19 at 07:05 AM

Do you have a brand preference? Theres a ton of them on amazon now and dont know which ones are best.

Jan 16 at 12:51 PM

How did you figure that out?

Jan 16 at 12:50 PM

Creation lesson miracle breakthrough

Commented on 😱TRUTH😱

Jan 16 at 12:43 PM


Jan 16 at 12:21 PM

You spend 15 dollars at mcdonalds for a fake meal. Food for thought.


Jan 16 at 11:34 AM


Commented on Cycles Of Time...

Jan 16 at 11:33 AM

Word up!