Susan Maggiacomo

Nov 26 at 09:57 AM


Nov 19 at 08:13 PM

It was all planned. The CABOL AND THE PHARMACEUTICAL CO. The Plandemic

Nov 19 at 08:10 PM

What is up with her? Very different from anything TLS.

Nov 19 at 10:54 AM

I agree

Nov 18 at 06:20 PM

Great information Jason, very sad that these underground tunnels are being used for evil. Thank you TLS for your service in our world


Nov 18 at 05:30 PM

Wow, very well said

Nov 18 at 05:29 PM



Oct 26 at 09:29 AM

This question is for Jason & Ray, I don't know where else to ask.
When you pass on to the other side, how long does it take for your soul to reincarnate into another body and where does it stay in the meantime?


Sep 14 at 10:40 AM

Thank you Jason…great teacher!

Sep 12 at 09:14 PM

This question is for Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, we were wondering if we go into the EE system when you are already on blood pressure medication, what would happen? Thank you so much for what you do for all of humanity.

With the EE system is it possible to get off of blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication? My husband and I have been going to the Palm Beach Gardens center, and this is our third Saturday at two hours each and we are curious as to the effects of the medication. Thank you so much.