Robert K. Mackie

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Nov 19 at 04:19 AM

I’m originally from Springfield, Missouri…but, I’ve been living in Pittsburgh since 2013, when the VA placed me in a veterans home, after becoming homeless in 2012. It’s a miracle that I am still here. I’m no longer working, although I somewhat physically able, I’d do anything to spend the rest of my life working with TLS.

It would be the icing on my life…I’m a highly sensitive empath and intuitive and when I had my spiritual awakening experience in 2013, my clairvoyant abilities were greatly amplified….and I just want to use those abilities to the fullest extent of my ability.

Nov 19 at 04:13 AM

I want to learn how to heal my body…I’ve got a lot of medical conditions and I want to heal and be totally restored health wise…

I have had HIV since 1996, been cured of Hep-C and Covid, twice…

I spend most of my time, each day, helping to lift up people who are going through various hardships…

I have made it my purpose in life.

Nov 19 at 04:09 AM

I wish that I could be there…I have so much to say to Jason…and I’m at this point in my spiritual awakening journey (that started 10 years ago), that I believe I am really ready for what the seminar has to offer…

I’m definitely at that juncture within the flow of my journey…but, sometimes the Universe has other plans for us and there’s nothing we can do to change that.

Nov 19 at 04:05 AM

I was just watching Bashar with Alex Ferrari…👏🤣

Funny how you picked up on that…Wow.

Nov 19 at 04:00 AM

I can’t see any way of affording to go.

I live paycheck to paycheck, pretty much and it’s just not enough…

As much as I feel ready to surrender and flow into something like this, I’m afraid it’s not going to come to fruition.

I hope you have an amazing, transformative experience there…

I bet you are really excited about this…


Nov 19 at 03:51 AM

I am a veteran who lives on social security disability and I can’t afford to go to the seminar, as much as I would love to be there.

Nov 18 at 05:44 PM

Really, really wish I could work for TLS.

There is NOTHING ELSE I could want for as much as that.

I came late into my purpose as a Lightworker and I want to go FURTHER.

Nov 14 at 05:16 PM

It’s enough to want to work for THE organization that is closest to my heart…and a travesty to not.

Nov 12 at 03:45 PM

It’s not meant to “scare you”…

Remember: Fear is a choice.



Oct 31 at 04:32 PM

Sadly, after watching this I now FULLY UNDERSTAND that the CDC, Dr. Fauci and others who are responsible for the vaccines, MURDERED my mother with their evil policies and protocols…

My Mom would still be here if she wouldn’t have been forced to take the vaccine in a nursing home facility in Missouri.

It’s my HIGHEST intention to make sure that they are all held responsible for MURDERING INNOCENT PEOPLE in the name of “protecting them”.

Justice WILL PREVAIL, eventually…

We need to strongly urge people to SEE THIS VITAL DOCUMENTARY.
