Robert K. Mackie

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Nov 27 at 01:09 PM

Wow!…Your message here sounds very much like what I’m feeling about helping things along in this amazing transformation process going on on this planet…

I want to help, too…I’m 64, single, retired and so bored with my life and wish I could be spending the rest of my life doing something where I’m making a difference in the world…This doesn’t come from a place of ego, either…

I’m just passionate about going out of this Matrix with a bang….and I’m not scared about dying or risking…

I’m not crazy either…Just passionate about helping to escort the human race into this amazing and higher evolution in consciousness….

I wanna HELP…. I wanna be part of this.


Wish that this information was available publicly to EVERYONE…This ascension is about EVERYONE…not just PAYING MEMBERS…

How are we going to EXIT the Matrix if we’re still practicing the monetizing part of that Matrix?

I understand BOTH SIDES of the coin…Just wish we could see an inkling of someone who will try to not make monetizing the first order of business.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Nov 24 at 07:39 AM

After having the vaccinations and the booster, my health has declined drastically, for no other apparent reason…The vaccines are POISON and it’s going to take some time before people FULLY REALIZE THIS.

There’s NOTHING I can do to save my own life, unless the eesystem can help me…It’s actually my ONLY HOPE.

I’m a disabled veteran, highly active and motivated “free thinker” and I have a feeling that I may have been targeted…but, I’m not panicking about it…I believe in miraculous divine intervention and if I’m worthy, I will be spared.

No matter what, I will continue to expose the lies that our government are allowing and creating.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Nov 24 at 07:33 AM

That “person” is Klaus Schwab, the HEAD of the World Economic Forum.

Nov 24 at 07:05 AM

Gratitude, Patience, Flow, Surrender…🙏😌✨🕊️

Nov 22 at 07:09 AM

Yep…You’re right…Wanting to be a big part of TLS is probably just something that stems from something my ego feels is missing…

I realize this after just watching the movie on here called “Chasing The Present”….This is probably one of the most beautiful and important movies I will ever watch in this spiritual journey of my life…

Lots to be grateful for, for sure…👍🌎💞😌🙏✨🕊️


Commented on Chasing the Present

Nov 22 at 06:44 AM

This movie stirred me at my core…Definitely addresses the bigger questions that I have been wanting to stretch myself out to…There’s so much I want to unlearn and so much damage that I yearn to undo…

This movie was a stepping stone for me…Maybe through the quietness in meditation, the Universe will somehow see my blind wandering, but also feel my desire to find out the purpose of this I that I’ve convinced myself that I am and maybe allow me the tools to undo all the illusion in this “reality” that I have awkwardly created…

This movie is a gift to my future self and has brought me to new doors of possibility that I would have otherwise missed…

Thank You, Mark Waters….for this beautiful gift…


Nov 19 at 04:27 AM

Yeah, I’ve tried before and you have to have a bank account.

Nov 19 at 04:24 AM

I can’t do a Gofundme because I don’t have a bank account.

Nov 19 at 04:22 AM

My name’s Rob….

And you can reach me at: 412-877-1039…I’m always here.